The holidays can be a hectic time. Take some time to be mindful! Teaching your child mindfulness at an early stage can be so important especially when things are so busy! Try and take 10 minutes every day and see if you notice a difference in yourself and your child!
1. Practice Gratitude
Designate a gratitude time. I like taking some time just before bed when things have quieted down.
Here are some ways to practice:
a) Ask your child to share 5 things he/she is thankful for that happened during the day.
b) If your child is older, have them write them down instead.
c) You can also get them their own special journal which helps them really think, especially if they get stuck. I like this one a lot, as it really helps get the wheels turning.

2. Make Random Acts of Kindness Cards
I love having my kids make these! Even if they don’t know how to write, they can draw add stickers or just make something colorful. Then we go around and place them on car dashes, park benches or sometimes we even hand them to people. I like to use blank colorful cards. These are the ones I use.

3. Mindfulness Cards
If you’re struggling to come up with some ways to bring mindfulness to this holiday season, then look for some cards to help you get creative! There are lots of different ones out there, but I really like these! There are 50 different activities, so lots of mindfulness to be had!

Research has shown that gratitude is linked to happier kids, so be sure to give one of these a try and see if you notice any difference this holiday season!
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